It's been a little while since I last posted...I've been HUGELY busy and trying to keep up with myself...*lol* I have a TON of new pieces to shoot and post. Alas for me, my new camera and I had a falling out and my camera was so devastated that it decided not to work anymore.
I'm, therefore, back to square one with taking shots at work with the work camera and smiling sheepishly at my boss. That said, I STILL have to get my equipment back to work to be able to shoot said pictures to begin with!
So bare with me as I take a few steps back to try and get myself organized again and you will NOT be disappointed...:D
That said, I figured I'd still give you guys something to look at in the form of a treasury!
I was feeling fine and female and so I went looking for fun and flirty things and I found them in spades. Take the time to go and say hi, check out the lovely shops and click and comment on the treasury itself! The shops are, as always, listed from left to right, top to bottom, INCLUDING the alternates! Enjoy!
Femme Fabulous Treasury
decadentdesignzuniqueartpendantsleather99organikxTheresaRoseMilkyheadtabidesignsDancingMooneyredrubyroseThompsondesignsbybellafloradigitalpaperieGinaDeSantisSoapStore3DInsectsEarmarkGatheringsI tend not to look at popularity or how many times an item has been seen. All I want in my treasuries are beautiful images that fit the theme I had in mind. If you feel you've got some GREAT photos in your shop, PLEASE show me. I often have 3 or 4 different themes going and you never know where your pieces might end up...:)
QUESTION: What do YOU look for when you make a treasury? Does the theme come first or do you usually come across an item that catches your attention?