
Interesting things!

Hi guys and gals! I hope you're all having a fun creative day! I'm feeling creative for jewelry, but I am at work and so I have to bottle it up for later...:D I'm crazy enough to have brought my tools to work and so I shall play jewelry over lunch...;)

So...some things that have been going on...:D

1- I got a treasury! Taken a look here and go clicking away!
Here's a screen cap for you guys...it's so nice and colorful. PERFECT for if your stuck with cold and gloom outside!

2- I became a member of the FABULOUS EtsyQ Street Team! I'm so flattered that I was accepted and I had my first chat with them. It was brief but fun and I was nervous for NOTHING...:D My French needs some serious improving though!

3- I have about 4 different pieces in progress and I'm not progressing! I need to get a move on!

4- I bought colored paper and brought some props to work. I intend on retaking ALL my pictures for my items! I know, I'm nuts! Thank GOD I don't have THAT many!

5- I need to clean my house...badly.

6- I need to buy cat food. My girls were giving me the evil eye this morning! It's not MY fault that Jessie ate what you two left behind!

7- I need to set a goal and make a goal poster. I think it'll help envision what needs envisioning and get me on the right track to start my business RIGHT...:) I also need to go and try to register my business name!

8- I need to finish my two commission!

9- I need to join Flickr, Google Groups and the Unique Women in Business yahoo group!

So that's just a few things that are running around in ma brain right now...O_o
Tell me what's going on with all of you?
Do you have projects that need doing?
Are you putting them off?
If so, why?
Is there anything you're excited about?




I went to hang out with my wonderful mommy this weekend...:)
She's awesome...Hung out with my sister too...:D

They brought me to a new bead store in Mascouche. It's quite reasonably priced and I like the fact that it's a bead bar type deal. You don't HAVE to buy a whole string of beads...only what you need.

What I DID notice, which actually had me quite surprised and a little annoyed, is that acrylic beads are as expensive, if not MORE expensive than the semi-precious and precious stones I've been buying on Etsy!

I think that's horrible! I can get a whole string of amethysts on Etsy for 4.00$, But to buy a focal bead in plastic costs me 2.00$? My amethysts were about 0.13$ a bead...I bought TINY acrylic ones for earrings and they were 0.40$ a bead. That just makes no sense to me. Unfortunately, I'm not really finding suppliers on Etsy for just regular beads. There are plenty of suppliers for vintage and buttons, crystals, glass and stones and spacers though.

The whole reason I was interested in purchasing what I see as 'cheaper' beads in the first place was to offer a lower price point to my potential customers. When I calculate everything it almost comes to the same thing! The only supplies that actually ARE cheaper are what I string the beads on and other findings. At least THOSE aren't more expensive than real silver!

So, in the end, my 'cheaper' items, aren't really that much cheaper...:( Especially if I work on them for a long time seeing as labor is included in the final cost. I AM getting faster as I go, but still....

All in all, it was a rather disappointing thing to discover because I feel it limits what I CAN create at a lower price point. I feel I've started branding myself with rather signature style pieces and, though I understand that I will be including some simpler work, I don't want to be forced to only make simple little pendants for those who might not have as much loose change about. I don't feel it's fair to those customers to offer something that seemingly didn't take as much work...:(

The trials that plague me!

On a completely different note, the treasury I was in on Etsy made it to the front page!

You can see the screen cap here: Etsy Front Pagers

My Agate Astray was featured...XD The irony? I MISSED IT! *LOLOLOLOLOL*


Yay again!

The lovely Cat of OublietteOubliette was kind enough to include me in a fantastic treasury featuring some of the best Montreal artists on Etsy.

I'm totally flattered and totally grateful!

Here is the treasury...go and see all the pretties!

Made in Montreal


New listing...It's a goody!

I posted a new listing today in my Etsy store: Agate Astray

It's a beautiful, classic necklace with unusually shaped and sized agate stones. I paired the agate with some beautiful deep burgundy mookaite beds and contrasted the whole thing with silver instead of gold or copper...:D

Tell me what you think of it. I know I LOVE it...it's light, it's pretty and when I tried it on for size, it made me feel like a fantastic Jewelry Designer and an all around successful diva...;D

I also nabbed a bunch of Project Wonderful spaces and I'm going to try Facebook again.

It was kind of weird on Facebook...I learned that people don't go on Facebook much over weekends...*lol* I got ONE click on Sat & Sun...but THIRTY-FOUR on Monday alone...so I'll try and create a more eye-catching ad and try different days to see which works best for me.

Today was a really quiet day at work...I managed to finish some projects, but some were seemingly already done before I got to them...so I'm a little confused. Mind you, a state of confusion isn't exactly surprising when it comes to me...but still...*lol*

I'm going to be going out with a friend tonight and I might drop by the craft store to grab some beads...XD We'll see how we're both doing time-wize!

In the comming weeks, I'll be posting a blog or two or three with Coupon Codes in them. Stay tooned and you migth get the chance for a discount! YAY! Who doesn't love a good sale!



Not only do I get to toot the horn of fellow artisans by making a treasury, but I get my own horn tooted IN a treasury too!

Handmadehelp included me in one of her treasuries...I'm really honored and grateful...:)

Go check out her shop out, as well as the treasury, and see if you can help those dealing with cancer by finding one of her posted items it's forever home...:)

Great Gratitude Treasury

Enjoy! I know I have!

Treasury #3!

Yay! I got a treasury!

I swear, getting these is like participating in a sport! You just never know if you're going to get in! I tried yesterday and the count went directly from 340 to over 500...I never even saw it drop below 333....and now today I'm in...WEEEEE!

These items are really beautiful...go check them out!
pink & grey serenity


Tag, you're it!

And so I am...the lovely heatherknitz was kind enough to send me a poke with this fun little meme...I'm so weird...I love these things!

Here are the rules:

  • Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
  • Share seven facts about yourself on your blog – some random, some weird.
  • Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
  • Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

And here we gooooo!

  1. I'm 'blind' in my left eye...except it's not normal blindness...basically, when my right eye is open, the picture from my left eye gets discounted. It's actually really interesting to read about: Amblyopia. Aside from that, I am nearsighted in the right eye, farsighted in the left (antimetropia), have Strabismus, Duane Syndrome and that whole melange leads me to having very little depth perception to the point where I'm only legal to drive in certain parts of the country...which means I am not going to be driving ever...:D I also have Nocturnal Myopia, which means my perception and light intake is further shortened at night...so going outside at night in areas unknown to me can be dangerous. Anyway...all those links are really facinating reads and all this doens't bother me at all seeing as I was born this way. I DO find it kinda ironic that when God went around tossing about talent, He chose to give the chick with the screwed up eyes a visual one...*lol*
  2. I am scared of olives...really. The worst part is I know it's COMPLETELY STUPID. My step-father told me that the green olives with pimentos in them were baby eyes...and he proceeded to graphically tell me how they were extracted from said babies. I was 5 years old when he told me this. Needless to say, every time I even see just a PICTURE of olives, I get that conversation playing in my head along with all the visuals. I can't seem to get over it either. I don't run away screaming, but it takes a lot for me to even look at them. ICKKKKK!
  3. I own over 40 pairs of shoes...:D
  4. I'm a very proud Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant and I won the Name The Bear Contest to name our 2008 Teddy Bear...:D Tobee is his name and it's a reminder that the bee isn't supposed to be able to fly because of it's body proportions compared to it's wings, but it doesn't know that, so it flies anyway. Just like the bee, we too can be what we want to be...:) Tobee's proceeds go towards the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation which donates to the Look Good, Feel Better Program as well as to womens' shelters across Canada to help women and children dealing with Domestic Violence. It's an honor to have been chosen and Tobee proudly sits on my desk so that I too can be reminded that it's up to me to fly...:D
  5. I kill plants...I don't know why. I can't seem to keep the poor things alive in my house! I've got a Money Tree at work and it seems to be growing, but I doubt it would live long if it were actually here!
  6. I'm dyslexic. Thank GOD for Firefox's spell check...or you guys would think you're reading another language!
  7. I have three beautiful cats all living with me in my one bedroom apartment...all three are seniors, gals and are various calico/tortie colors. That's purely by fluke as I adopted August and Jessica together from a wonderful friend at work and Kaleeka has been with me her entire life...I'll have to post pictures so you can see my babies! It's nice that even my cats match...;)
Now, who to tagggggg?????









Wow...I got a few things done!

Though none of it was jewelry...*lol*

I'm actually waiting for a whole lot of findings seeing as I've pretty much run out of everything! Next Thursday, I'll be going out to buy a lot of stuff for my Casual Collection as well...:) I'll be able to make more things to offer differing price points...:D

So I went around and revamped all my branding on the sites I'm on to include my hot pink... I find it stands out a lot more than just the aqua. I also started making Project Wonderful ads. I'm hoping those will help people find me so they can be wearing my products...such an exciting prospect!

I'm feeling much better now...I was a little discouraged because my Facebook ad has netted me THOUSANDS of impressions (how many people SEE the ad) but so far, only 1 person actually clicked on my ad!

I'm not a quitter though. I'm sure I'll find a formula that works on Facebook soon enough...:D

To help me feel better, I did the revamp and made myself a FABULOUS fried-egg sandwitch with strong cheddar and ketchup on stone ground whole wheat bread. MAN was it ever good! I also made myself a simple smoothie with strawberries, peaches and plums in orange juice. I'm actually going to try my best to have a smoothie a day. That way, I'll definitely have more fruits in my diet!

I'm DETERMINED to actually start my exercises on Monday...I swear, if I don't, I never will! I've basically been told that it's either I lose weight, or I become diabetic...ick! As much as I like myself just as I am, Diabetes is no joke and I already have enough to deal with with Hypergycemia! It was suggested that I get down to 125-130lbs and I think that's crazy....I don't look anywhere NEAR my weight now so I will look SKELETAL at that weight! I told the doc that I would go to 140lb max and he said that was better than what I'm at now so he was OK with it. So that leaves me with 35lbs to lose. I'm actually worried about losing my curves...I like them!

So you all have my permission to kick me in the ass if I don't get up at 6am tomorrow! *lol*

HA!...my oldest gal is sprawled on teh bed and snoring...XD I need ot get a camera so I can spam this blog with kittie photos!


The saga continues!

So I made my Facebook page and now I've set up an ad. I got 100$ in free Advertising on Facebook and so I intend to use it to the best of my abilities!

Let's see if it gives me results! It's certainly a learning experience...:)



I just made a page for Gifted Designs on Facebook...:D


I'll be putting up some advertising for it and I'm attempting to get into Project Wonderful slots. I'm also hoping to get some advertising going in some magazines and local papers and in other areas on-line.

Wish me luck!


And here they are!

So here are 3 of the 4 pieces I finished this weekend...:)

The Black Currant earrings will definitely be going up on Etsy shortly, but the necklace for Charmony is in an undecided state...:)

Right now, I left the copper wire thin, but it bends if hit the wrong way. I'm concerned that if it bends enough at the same spot, it will break on whoever will own it. So I am now hunting for copper wire to wrap the single wire in...:D I need the wire to be thin enough so it will keep it's delicate personality.

Once that's done, I will then list it along wiht it's matching earrings...:)



The weekend was productive!

So I made 4 different things this weekend...XD Mind you, one piece is still missing it's toggle clasp, but I should be getting that soon enough. Meanwhile, I'll be checking out the shots I took of the other three pieces and I'll be posting them soon...yay!

I am also going to be finishing up my business card for Gifted Designs as well as my code coupons. I will be sending them out for goody bags to a lady nice enough to be asking for them. Probably will make about 50 or so for her...so we'll see what happens from that!

Speaking of code coupons....stay tuned to this very blog to get YOUR chance at a special deal! With the holidays coming, people are already out looking for that special something. What's more special than a unique, handmade piece of jewelry! I don't know yet which days I will be posting up my special code coupon, but it'll definitely be more than once...:D

So keep watching!


Just listed!

I just listed this gorgeous classic set!

I really had fun making these...they were much more difficult to create than they look...;) They consist of sterling silver chain, circles and wire with multi-colored freshwater blister pearls. The necklace is a lariat-style piece. Classic and elegant, but still modern!

If you're interested, they are up in my Etsy store...:D
Necklace: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16120831
Earrings: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16121177



So the Unknown Etsy Artists treasury I was set to be in has finally arrived...:)

We'll see what happens as a result! Here it is if you'd like to go and see the unknown!



I'm off to bed with hopes that the NyQuil will kick in and knock me out...:D



So I heard from some fellow Etsians that Twitter is an excellent networking source. I chose to try it out and see if I can get my name out there...:)

Here's my twitter account if you're interesting in following!



Terra Firma

This is my latest jewelry set...:D I'll be putting them up on Etsy soon.

The necklace features a beautiful Agate pendant slab and the stones are Picasso Jasper and lovely African Opals. All the wire work is copper.

This necklace took a VERY long time to make, about 8 hours total, because of all the wire-wrapping. The bracelet also took time for the same reasons. Both the toggles were made by hand. The earrings were quicker, but it still took a good hour because the wire gauge was thick enough to require some maneuvering not to damage the ear-wires with my tools!

This really is one of my favorite sets!

Cool Blue...New Treasury!

I got my second treasury...these things are addictive!

I hope these items do for you what they did for me...:)

I'll be adding three new items to my listing on Etsy...so stay tuned!


My first creations

Though I don't have any WIP photos of these pieces, I figured I would share them and explain a little of what I used to make them.

I'm rather proud of these pieces...:D

I have two Collections that I am working on, the Casual Collection and the Crystal Collection. The Casual Collection consists of pieces made from less expensive materials, though no less beautiful to look at. Buttons, acrylic beads, tiger tail, nylon, silver and gold plated metals and findings, fabrics, the materials are endless! The Crystal Collection features higher end findings and beads made of semi-precious and precious stones, lampwork beads, precious metal findings, other artists' pendents and the like. There are so many things to choose from that I doubt my creativity will ever run dry!

So, this is the second necklace I ever made, the first was given to one of my best-friends as a gift...:D It was made using a hard choker style necklace, large and small acrylic amber beads, wood beads and seed beads. This necklace was practice for me and the initial design was from a beading book. I modified it a little by adding beads, adding some wiring to keep the falls spaced and changing the metal from gold to silver. The earrings that go with it were the first pieces of jewelry I designed by myself...:)

The next necklace was designed around the lovely glass pendent that I found at my local Art Supply and Crafting store. I had seen that you could use ribbon in jewelry creation in the beading magazine and I wanted to try my hand at one of the simple designs in that same magazine. Well, the necklace ended up taking a life of it's own! What's fun about this necklace is that the beads are not glued in place, you can move the large green stones up and down to where-ever you feel is best...:D This necklace was my very first jewelry sale!

As I was going along and joined the Etsy community, I kept coming across shops that used beautiful stones in their work. I started looking for stones myself and found many wonderful suppliers on Etsy. I was thrilled with that! It gave me an opportunity to support the site that's supporting me...:D

Redded Bliss was designed in honor of my friend Sandra's wedding. I wanted something that would be totally appropriate for a wedding and I had a whole string of gorgeous red coral bamboo. I used 26g silver wire and first formed the petals...then I used delicate silver chain, more wire and a profusion of silver beads. The flower took a really long time to make. It was tricky getting each petal twisted together without bending the wire in weird angles...*lol* I DID figure it out and I am very, very pleased with the results. I wanted to test the strength of the chains and so I wore it to Sandra's wedding...:) The chain may LOOK delicate, but it was able to withstand everything I did that night!

My latest piece is one of the prettiest pieces I've done so far. Mind you, I'm biased having been raised with a mom who's birthstone is the Turquoise and who has waxed eloquence on how great the stone is...;) I couldn't sleep one night and I got frustrated so I got up to get some water. On the table, I had left open the turquoise container, though I don't remember why...so I sat down and started puttering with it. Turquoise Treasure and it's matching earrings is the result! I had to wire-wrap the gorgeous slab and initially, I was going to leave the slab by itself, but it kept telling me it wanted to be even more flamboyant than it already was, so I made the two falls to accompany it...:) Yes! The beads 'talk' to me...;) Hidden with all the Turquoise and lemon jade is silver beads and it's all made with sterling silver wire. There isn't a jump ring in sight and it's all really solidly put together...:) I'm really proud of everything I've done so far!

Aside from these lovelies, I have two full sets waiting to be photographed. One set is a necklace, bracelet & earring combination. I just got new tools, so I'll be able to finish the earrings now without mutilated the gorgeous earrings wires. Once that's done, I'll be able to shoot the trio and post them...:D The second set is a lariat style necklace with matching earrings. I'm changing all the jump rings on them seeing as I had a gauge that wasn't thick enough and they were opening with very little effort. Lesson learned! I purchased lock rings of a thicker gauge and so the necklace will be perfect after I replace what's there. Basically, I have to reconstruct the necklace...;) It'll be worth it though. It's beautiful!

I also have two necklaces in various stages of completion and I have about four Crystal Collection and three Casual Collection pieces that are floating around in my head...:D

So stay tuned for more goodies!



Just wanted to post my very first treasury.
There are some gorgeous things in there! It's ending in 7 hours and so I decided to take a screen cap for those you who might want to revisit it or look for the artists involved...:D

I should be able to start posting new items soon and I am thinking up contest ideas...:D

Enjoy that treasury!
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